Monday, September 24, 2007

Manliness Obituary - The Motorcycle

The motorcycle used to be a manly icon - its flower blossoming with Marlon Brando in The Wild One. The motorcycle was a symbol of freedom, independence, and rebellion.

Nowadays, it represents usually one thing, a middle-aged, middle management guy who joined a motorcycle club but only rides his bike on fair-weathered weekends while cruising around suburbia at 32 miles an hour listening to Born to be Wild on repeat on his iPod Nano while attired in brand-spanking new "motorcycle clothes" he ordered on-line.

As a result, the motorcycle has lost all of its significance. Even the Hells Angels have an official website. Indeed, with prices of Harley Davidson motorcycles well into the 45K range, the once dreaded "1%" moniker is more an indicator of their income bracket than their violent nature.

As a result, the motorcycle has completely lost its status as an icon of masculinity and rebellion. Now, it is a symbol of wayward men trying to "find" themselves on the open road of suburbia, just as long as they are home in time for dinner.


Blogger Cris said...

I beg to differ. You can still get a Sporster (the model I own) for under $7000.

And if you think it's only for people who ride fair-weather weekends...

check out the last 40 photos, especially.

October 15, 2007 8:19 PM  
Blogger John S. said...

I am not saying that manly people can not ride motorcycles, only that the notion of a motorcycle, as a symbol of manliness, is dead.

October 18, 2007 3:22 PM  

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