Thursday, May 04, 2006

By George!!!

Apparently, the original theatrical versions of the first (according to release date) three Star Wars films are being released on DVD. I remember very well wondering when this would happen when George Lucas released the digitally modified 2004 versions of the trilogy stating that the original versions would never be released.

George, you really sicken me.

How many times can you make us pay for the same thing?

That being said, I know I will sheepishly buy the new, old movies. However, it will be nice to know that I can raise my kids right on the original trilogy with no dinosaurs in the desert and Han shooting first.

However, with THAT being said, I do like the new x-wing fighting scenes at the end of the remake. I wish there a version which left Tatooine as it was, had Han shoot first, did NOT have Han step on Jabba's tail, but kept the re-finished fight scenes. I am sure this will be released in about two years.


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