Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What the Hell?

I just took a glance at my pay-report, you know, the thing you get instead of a check when you have direct deposit.

As of August 1st, I have paid over $11,000 in Federal taxes alone. This does not include Social Security tax, Medicare tax or any of my State taxes.

I remember years when I made less than I pay in taxes now.

I am not one of those people clamoring ffor the good-old days under the Articles of Confederation, but, jumpin' Jehosephat, how can this be??????


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well John, sadly, those who think that we the achievers, the ones who work 8, 10, 12 hour days should pay through the nose so that those who gave a rats ass about finishing their education, those who have given up, those who know how to ply the welfare system can be given free money courtesy of the worthless scumbag politicians who "work" for the people. It's your money. Don't you think you should keep it? But then, I'm just a heartless bastard who doens't give a flying fuck about poor people because I want to keep more of the money I work VERY hard to make.

Just a thought.

August 03, 2006 2:52 PM  
Blogger John S. said...

While I do not believe that our society should not be without some sort of safety net, for use in times of emergency, I definately hear where you are coming from.

August 03, 2006 3:04 PM  

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