Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Who thinks up this stuff?

Aside from the primary, albeit "baser", responsibility for a parent to provide for the material well-being of their child, the biggest responsibility given a parent is instilling in a child a sound moral framework which brings the child the greatest potential for fulfillment, joy, and understanding of the many facets of a well lived life. Pause for a moment. Notice how I did not espouse any particular view, mindset or predisposition. That is because I am a firm believer of the concept that one should "lead from the front" or, in the case of children, "lead by example." If you show them how to be an upstanding person, by your actions, deeds and demeanor, they will learn it without you having to tell them. Conversely, probably the greatest harm a parent can do is lead a child astray in this regard.

Enter this book.

Just in the sample pages the reader is presented with the pithy core of socialist philosophy: confiscatory wealth-transfer mechanisms, impossible and irresponsible promises ("always safe"), and lies concerning free market philosophy (suggesting that, without the "mommy" (i.e. state), every child will be not be afforded an education). Listen, if you honestly believe and hold as true the ideals set forth in this book, then I say to you, model those choices consistently in your disposition, mannerisms, deeds and actions. However, please do so outside of politics. Simply let your child develop his or her own political philosophy from examination of their own life. A child can't do this at 4, or even 14. I am always leery of children who are pro-Democrat or pro-Republican. How could they possibly come to the conclusions they are claiming to have without living their own lives life long enough, with specific dilemmas presented them, to even entertain political solutions? They can not. They are simply parroting things their parents have said. This is just wrong.

Listen, there is no questions that children like group behavior. How about getting them involved in sports, music, and social organizations? Leave the politics for when they enter adulthood and are faced with questions that they are equipped to answer, on their own, and can appropriately have a political answer. Otherwise, you are robbing your children of the one thing you should be providing them, the opportunity to make those decisions on their own.

P.S. To any people actually reading this book to their children, I have one name for you: Alex P. Keaton.


Blogger rukrusher said...

C'mon, even the Author notes it is adult satire.

September 18, 2006 3:44 PM  
Blogger John S. said...

If that is the case, that is fine. However, is it a stretch to think that someone might be reading this to their kids?

September 18, 2006 4:05 PM  
Blogger rukrusher said...

Slippery slope, not as bad as kids playing GTA but people who would read this to thier kids are teaching this anyway.

September 18, 2006 5:04 PM  

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